วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Best Beginner RC Plane

Best Beginner RC Plane

Parkzone Ultra Micro P-51 BNF

When trying to pick out the first RC plane for you or your child, there are going to be a few things that you will want to keep in mind. The first and foremost thing that you will want to consider is your experience level when it comes to RC products.
Parkzone Ultra Micro Mosquito Mk VI BNF PKZU1380 
Most peoples first instinct will be to buy a flashy model with plenty of visual appeal. This is usually not the best idea for beginners. RC planes are very different from RC cars because they are not as easy to control and the possibility of crashing is greatly increased.

ParkZone Ember 2 RTF Aircraft

The second thing that you are going to want to consider when choosing your RC is repairable and parts availability. With the increased risk of crashing it will be very important to have a model that you will be able to easily and affordable repair.

Dumas Taylorcraft Electric Airplane Kit RC Airplane

Being able to replace your own parts will not only save you some heart-ache later, but will provide you will a sense of self accomplishment when you do have to repair your model.
Air Hogs R/C Hawk Eye Blue Sky
A final thing to consider when deciding what makes the best beginner plane is the presence of a flight simulator. Having a solid training guide to accompany your new RC plane will put you one step a head and one step closer to the hours of entertainment you are looking forward to.

Megatech B3 3-Channel Electric Ready-To-Fly Airplane 2.4GHZ #MTC9906

As with anything in life, doing your proper research will help you make the right decision. Do not be afraid to compare the different models before you decide on your "one".

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Electric RC Plane for Beginners

F4U Corsair RTF

Flying an electric RC plane is entertaining and educational and can be enjoyed by people of all age groups. You are never too young or too old to fly and it does not have to be an expensive hobby at all. Because there are so many model airplanes out there, deciding on your first remote control aircraft can be difficult. Even those that are very similar in design will have different flight and handling characteristics and many models are not suitable for beginners.

First, you should pick a model that is slow and stable enough for you to learn on, such as a trainer or park flyer. It can be based on a real airplane or be just a working model with wings and minimal skeletal structure. You do not have to and probably should not start off with an expensive electric RC plane with multiple channels and complicated controls. For learning to fly, stick with a basic model with 2 or 3 channels.

When you are ready to fly, pick a park or other wide open space. You will need plenty of room, especially since this is your first time handling the plane. You do not want to fly in a heavily populated area with buildings, power lines, telephone poles or other obstructions. Check wind direction and how hard it is blowing before starting the engine. Knowing which way the wind is blowing will help you prepare for any turbulence and if wind speed exceeds your plane's operating parameters, wait for a less windy day to fly.
